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Meet the 2024-2025 Board

by Banook Canoe Club

Each year at the Annual General Meeting, each position on the Board of Directors is up for election. This year the club is lucky to welcome some new members, and would like to express gratitude to those leaving the board. Planning for the 2025 season has already begun with the club represented by an excellent group of volunteers.

Debbie Windsor has taken over the Commodore/President role, with Jim Johnson handing over the keys to that position. Thank you Jim for all of your efforts and hard work over the past years! Jim will remain on the board in the 'Past President' role.

New to the board is Lee-Ann Theunissen as the Co-Paddling Director, and Ashley Pinsent is taking over the Masters Representative role. Mike Sharpe is returning to the board after a few years of continued volunteer work in general maintenance and special projects 'as needed' for years. Mike rejoins the board in the role of Membership Director. Welcome to all!

Huge thanks goes out to those leaving the board including former Commodore/President Kim Gaudet, Membership Director Kelly Murphy, and Paddling Co-Director Emily Myers. Kim will remain involved as one of the caretakers of the Social Media platforms and as a general knowledge base available to the board. Kelly Murphy will undoubtedly be a presence in and around the club as well. All three will be missed in their official capacities.

The full list of the current board is available under the About -> Governance -> Board of Directors link. Please give the new board members a few days to get situated in their roles.

Minutes from the meeting will be posted to the 2024 AGM page shortly.