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Vote for Banook's Participatory Budgeting Project

by Banook Canoe Club
June 20.0646.jpg

We've been vetted through the application process and officially invited to councillor Austin’s District 5 participatory budgeting event on Thursday May 30th at Mic Mac Aquatic Club, 192 Prince Albert Road. Please come down and cast a vote for our project described below.

Per Sam Austin's web site:

"Applications are in and participatory budgeting is a go for Thursday night. Together, we’ll allocate $50,000 of District 5’s capital fund to non-profit groups. Participatory budgeting gives people a direct say in how our money is spent. It also builds community capacity by mixing together non-profits and some of the most engaged people in our community.

If you haven’t been to participatory budgeting before, the way it works is all the groups setup science fair style. Residents of District 5 can then circulate to learn more about the proposed projects, and vote on which ones they want to see funded. You must pick five projects for your ballot to be valid. Everyone who lives in District 5 can vote, including kids.

Voting will take place on Thursday, May 30 from 6:00 – 8:00 at the Mic Mac Amateur Aquatic Club on Prince Albert Road."

Other project descriptions can be viewed at Sam Austin's website.

Banook Canoe Club, $10,000

Banook Canoe Club is in the midst of a once in a lifetime project. The 120-year-old building has 120-year-old challenges, and the facility requires significant upgrades to ensure its viability. The renovations will enable Banook to become a barrier-free space creating full accessibility for paddlers and visitors. The Club is seeking funding to contribute towards this major construction project, specifically the accessible upper level deck. For more information on Banook’s ambitious renovations, visit our Paddle’s Up campaign website.